
Thursday, September 1, 2011


Sometimes a birthday sneaks up on you, before you really have time to prepare.

Isn't it interesting, we all have the same calendar we use each year, either online, or one of those generic event calendar with all our birthday, anniversary, and annual celebrations all marked nice and neat.  But yet, oh my, birthdays and anniversaries can sneak up on you!

At times like these, it's nice to make a quickie card.

Reaching into my bag of tricks, I pull out the tools of the trade and let the crafting begin.

Today, if I were to make this card again, it would be basically the same.  Except I would place 4mm flat back gems at the end of each twirl.  Perhaps I'd also make one of the background papers a subtle print, if I had some on hand, or if there is enough time for a trip to the craft store.

Again, reaching in my bag of tricks, and bringing out my toys...I mean tools I created a nice lacy card!  

I have to admit, I found the inspiration for this card from an online scrapbook gallery, probably at .

A tip:  When I buy card stock, I usually buy at least two extra pieces of the color or colors I'm using.  It's nice to have extra pieces.  If I make a mistake, or underestimated the amount of paper I need, I have extra on hand.  If 12x12 design paper, depending on the price, I buy at least one extra piece.  

The nice thing about this is, I'm collected a nice library of colored card stock and paper supply.  Real handy when creating last minute greeting cards.  Also nice and handy when planning new designs, and pulling colors together.

Another tip:  When purchasing card stock, make note of the name of the solid colors.  Write the name on a sticky note and keep the note with the extra sheet(s).  When purchasing printed, design paper, the maker and design name is either on the back side of the paper, or there's an extra extended strip of paper on the bottom with all the details.  Again, make note of the information on a sticky note and keep with the paper.  This way, if you every wish to make the card again, you don't have to re-invent the wheel, in that you don't have to search out the paper again.  Or, if you like the particular paper, you can easily find it again.  Worse case scenario, you have the details necessary if you have to mail order the design!